Regular Biofrequency Healing Scans + Harmonisation + Consultation/ Feedback

Are you ready to become the best version of yourself?

Do you want to understand, transform & heal…

  • Mental, emotional and physical blockages

  • Addictions, recurring states of low energy or severe pain

  • Physical ailments for which there doesn’t seem to be a cure and real explanation for their existence, eg tumors, autoimmune conditions

  • A negative outlook on specific burdensome life topics

Conditions that have built up over years need time to be more fully understood and transformed.
Benefit from reduced rates, if you get a pack of 5, 10 or 21 sessions - see package offers below.

CURRENT FEES for complete Biofrequency Healing sessions
with the 5D-Flash Scan:

5x 90min sessions for €75 each (TO be used up within 6 months)
10x 90min sessions for €70 each (TO be used up within 12 months)

Sessions are available both in person as well as online/ remotely.

Fee for a
21x intense treatment: €990 (TO be used up within 12 months)
This includes 1x90min + 20x 60min online sessions over an agreed period of time with sessions of daily frequency or every 3/5/7/10 days with brief written feedback each time.
(See also my offer for emergency sessions.)

Reductions are granted for the treatment of children & those in acute need without enough funds. Talk to me!


(Duration ca 90min, in person or remotely/ over distance. Languages: English or German)

1. SCAN: Your energetic cell information, taken from your morphogenetic field, is being measured within seconds based on the modern Scalar wave technology and the use of bio-inductors. Organ-specific strains and blockages are visualised in full detail down to the cellular and chromosome level.

2. CONSULTATION: After the scan, a consultation takes place in which your main current strains and conditions are discussed. Important themes, organ-specific burdens, injuries of the heart, soul conditions, innate vibrations, beliefs, etc. that block the energy system are being made aware.

3. NEUTRALISING: After recognising your current main themes to work on, you are asked to lie down while the neutralisation of disharmonic cell frequency is taking place with the 5D-Flash Scan. From the large number of neutralising frequencies, those frequencies which appear optimal for you are selected carefully and tested with simulations before being sent to your inflicted organs and cell structure. This harmonisation procedure recovers important life energy that you need for your wellbeing.

Many people already notice positive effects during the session. Chronic patterns, however, take time to be resolved. We focus on small continuous improvements that your system can hold rather than fast frequency changes which you can’t integrate longterm.

A 5D-Flash Scan session is absolutely pain- and contact-free. It can take place in person and also as a remote session over distance. It assists us in raising our awareness for the burdensome energy we have been carrying around with us. By recognizing the underlying themes, we can process them and regain a much heightened sense of wellbeing.

The more we free ourselves from energy blockages and increase our own vibration, the more we are able to realise our true potential.

How to book in for a biofrequency healing:

Please send me the following data via whatsapp or email:

1. All First, Middle & Nick Names

2. Surname incl Maiden & any Previous Family Names

3. Date of Birth

4. Gender (m/f)

5. Recent Photo or short Video of yourself (only if we do NOT meet in person or in a live remote session via whatsapp)

6. Book a Time Slot for your Session HERE or - in case you cannot find a convenient Time Slot in my online Calendar - inform me about your Preferred Time+Day (+Time zone/ Country) for when you wish to book the live remote session over distance.

7. Info about your Payment made - The above listed fees can be paid via credit card (click on your preferred package link above) or via various other options - see link below.

NB: All the given data will be treated confidential and deleted after use.