
Your biofrequency Healing Tool to regain your optimal energy level & Awareness

5D-Flash Scan Bioenergetic Evaluation

The more we free ourselves from stressful Blockages and increase our own Vibration, the more we are able to enjoy optimal Health & Happiness.

Current offers:

For full information, select from the below options - maybe you’d like to experience a complete ‘STANDARD’ 5D-Flash Scan session, regular ‘MAINTENANCE’ sessions or are in need of an ‘EMERGENCY’ treatment. The PERFORMANCE BOOST’ sessions are tailored for kids/ students prior to tough exams, but also for adults prior to important meetings/ situations.

Perhaps you are simply curious to learn what your current main emotional blockages and potentials are with an ‘EMOTIONAL & PERSONALITY READING’.

Treatments for ANIMALS as well as SPACE Clearings are on offer as well.
Most treatments take place remotely/over distance. It really does not matter where in the world you currently are. There are ways to fully tune into you/another person, animal or place that is in need of support. Be surprised by the astounding results.


Example image of a SCAN RESULT below : Curves of physical & energy body are realigned, cell stress has been removed, depicted from level 1 - 6 and with percentage of change.

Experience the high-frequency bioenergetic
5D-Flash Scan analysis system
with integrated detection sensors.
Modern Quantum Healing Technology is within reach.

Scalar wave based bio-inductors

HOW Do BIOFREQUENCY Treatments work?

Working with the 5D-Flash Scan, a product developed and continuously improved in Austria since the early 2000s, modern Scalar Wave Quantum technology is used to collect the information of human beings (also animals, elements of nature and defined spaces) from the morphogenetic field, broken down to the original blueprint of each and every body part and organ at the cell level. This means the vibrations are directly measured and visualised at the cell level.

In addition, the currently existing stressors and blockages are identified and listed for each body part, organ and also body sections with considerable detail. These distinct frequencies are not only analysed on the physical zones but also on the mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

The scan result can precisely detect and measure the numerous influences that cause stress within our cells. It can reflect quite clearly where we experience physical pain, and - usually to the great amazement of the clients - also informs what life theme or even person is currently creating the most emotional pain to our system. 

But most importantly, it is a powerful modern tool based on Scalar wave technology to also deactivate these stressors with the help of a large number of neutralising frequencies which are selected carefully for you and tested with simulations before being sent back to your system.

The 5D-Flash Scan sessions are totally personalised sessions. YOUR individual frequencies are measured and the stressors and blockages are harmonised and neutralised by working with your own vibrational information - and not statistical data of clients’ data bases.

Foreign vibrations that do not find a resonance in the body just pass through as ‘empty’ information without effect.

Weakened frequencies in the body are repaired and the body's natural energy flow is restored.

A 5D-Flash Scan session is absolutely pain- and contact-free. It can take place in person and also as a remote session over distance with the very same results. It assists us in raising our awareness for the burdensome energy we have been carrying around with us.

By realising how good we can feel after a Biofrequency Healing session AND by recognizing the underlying themes that have prevented us from feeling healthy, we can process them and regain a much heightened sense of wellbeing.


Humanity is finally starting to use modern frequency healing tools more broadly as we recognise that EVERYTHING on earth is subject to the law of vibration. We are influenced and stressed on cell level by various kinds of vibrations that cost us valuable vital energy including those from environmental influences, social interactions, nutrition, physical ailments, negative emotions, burdensome beliefs, addictions, and obsessions.

We do not consciously perceive most of these vibrations, but they nonetheless reach our cell structures and are stored there. "Dis-eases" and "dis-orders" are usually caused by a lack of energy, the 5D-Flash device focuses on spotting the energy leaks and either neutralises or transforms them on an energetic quantum level.

As a consequence, the detected blockages are transformed and important vital energy is released so that we can regain and maintain our deserved state of wellbeing.



I explicitly emphasise that the application described here does not contain a "healing promise, confirmation or guarantee", and the statements within this page should not be regarded as such. Every client is INDIVIDUALLY RESPONSIBLE. All clients who participate in Biofrequency Healing sessions are required to join with a mindset to consciously change their lives to the better. All statements and recommendations refer, without exception, to the client's energy bodies and not to the physical body. Clients with abnormalities and severe medical deviations are referred, without exception, for further medical and clinical evaluation.

Get your vibration up


Get your vibration up 〰️

Feedback from 5d-Flash Clients

I am amazed about how the Biofrequency sessions manage to turn me around: I book in when feeling a total mess and come out of the session feeling so relieved, tons lighter and always with new insights.
— Jay, US
I came to try out a 5D-Flash session to see if it could bring me relief for my intense toothache with my dentist being unavailable. To my astonishment, not only has my toothache completely vanished, but I’m feeling better than I have in a long time.
— Alex, South Africa
My partner has been in hospital for many weeks now with advanced cancer diagnosis. We still don’t know what the physical issue is, but with my background as a nurse I know for sure that the daily 5D-Flash treatments helped him a lot! Otherwise his situation wouldn’t have taken such a positive turn.
— Beate, Austria
The 5D-Flash device is so interesting, I’ve never heard about it.
It was an amazing experience - the treatment has enlightened me … really.
My life has taken a different turn.
— Susan, UK